Tuesday, 24 November 2009

preliminary task evaluation.

From doing the preliminary task, we have learnt that we need to keep to the 180 degree rule, when filming a conversation, this is so not to confuse the veiwer as they may not know where abouts the characters are on the screen if we do not follow this rule. We also learnt how do actually do the angles whilst filming, as we had veiwed these filming angles and shots in many tv programmes and films, but hadnt actually had a go at doing these ourselves, so this allowed us to try it out.

There were a few problems when filming our preliminary task, as one of our members was not in the lesson, we had to compromise and change the story line and location a little bit, this also caused problems with filming because both people in our group had to appear in the filming and another had to film, but as we had noone to film us, we were rarely on the screen together.

This has prepared us for the real filming as we have learnt that we will need to compromise with the resources, actors and locations we have got. We also know how to use the camera properly and all of the editing programmes on the computer.

Taylor Hayward

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