Mise en scene
bratz doll, boy bratz doll/action man, tinsel, christmas tree, bean bag, pyjamas, bratz hair brush, wrapping paper, cupboard.
We are using christmas props, as these help to represent the theme of christmas.
pyjamas, slippers - children.
skirt, etc - bratz doll.
white vest - bratz doll.
The children are supposed to be in bed, this is why they are dressesd in pyjamas. The dolls are wearing these clothes because these are stereotypical dolls clothes.
Boy bratz doll when human - Matt
Girl bratz doll when human - Shanna
Little girl - Taylor
Little boy - Still to be chosen
We have chosen Matt to be the doll when it has turned human, because, he suits the blonde male stereotypical bratz boy. Shanna has been chosen to be the human girl doll because, she looks similar to the bratz doll we are using. We have chosen Taylor to be the little girl because, she looks innocent like a small child.
Bedroom scene.
We have chosen the setting to be in a bedroom, because the children are getting ready to go to bed, and it is night time.
Girly pinks, dark night time colours, warm colours, boy blues.
We are using these colours because pink and blue are the stereotypical girl and boy colours, we are using the warm colours because its christmas and it represents family. The dark colours are being used as it's set at night time.
Low lighting.
We are using low lighting, because it's set at night and it gives the theme of night time.
Static, match on action.
We are using the static camerawork because it's easy to edit and and we don't need to use track or pan in this scene.
Pace: slow gentle pace.
We are using this pace so that it doesn't go too fast for the children to understand, we want them to be able to go along with the film.
Music: have yourself a merry little christmas - opening credits.
Sound effects: twinkling noise when the dolls transform.
We are using that song for our opening credits, as it's a well known christmassy song.
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Log production meeting 2/12/09 - Planning for production
Taylor Shanna Matthew
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